No. 1 Nov. 18-Dec. 18, 1998
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Dentinal tubules follow a course at right angle from the pulpal surface. Within this tubules are contained the Odontoblastic processes. Enervation's of the tooth starts actually at Dentin. How this dentin is enervated can be explained through some pain transmission theories in conjunction with these dentinal tubules. There are actually three theories of pain transmission through dentin, and one of these, the Hydrodynamic Theory is the moat popular. This theory states that stimuli such as cold, heat, and pressure causes fluid movement inside the dentinal tubules, and this fluid movement disturbs the nerve endings, eliciting pain. Nerve endings of the pulp terminate at the dentinal tubules, and these nerve endings is different from the nerve endings found in other parts of the body, say the skin in that these don't have specific receptors for specific stimuli. It is a unique feature of tooth receptors to recognize only as pain whatever stimuli it receives, may it be heat, cold, or pressure.
    Now, with these knowledge in hand, imagine how a dental caries will do to your tooth, and how much pain will it cause to you. 
    Good news though, if your toothache is caused only by some enamel defects, aside from caries. You are only feeling hyperemia, which is fortunately reversible. Pain caused by large caries usually involves the pulp, and either abscess or even necrosis of the pulp can be seen. If these cases happens, two procedures are at hand, one which is more radical is extraction of the involve tooth, and the other one which is more conservative, ideal, but may consume a couple of visits to the Dentist is, Root Canal Treatment. 

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