Your definitions and explanations here!
Mucous membrane- surface lining of the oral cavity  
                                Divided into 3 types according to functions:  
                                -Masticatory mucosa- gingiva, hard palate  
                                -Lining or reflecting mucosa- lip, cheek, vestibular fornix,  
                                    alveolar mucosa, floor  of  mouth,  soft palate  
                                -Specialized mucosa- dorsum of tongue, taste buds  

Keratinized epithelium- this is actually a defense mechanism resulting from direct  
                                 trauma due to eating. There is a formation of a keratinized  
                                 squama , a dead cell filled with densely packed  
                                 protein contained within a toughened cell membrane. 

Sweat glands- a simple tubular gland of the skin that secretes perspiration 

Hair follicles- the tubular epithelial sheath that surrounds the lower part of the  
                          hair shaft and encloses  a vascular papilla supplying nourishment  
                          to the basal part of the hair 

Digestion- the process of making food absorbable by dissolving it and breaking  
                    it down into simpler  chemical  compounds 

Third molars can be congenitally absent in some individuals, or they can be present  
            but has an  impacted  position 

Canine has an average root length of 17 mm. and crown length of 10 mm., longer  
           than any other teeth in the oral cavity 

Bicuspid- meaning two cusps- 

This is illustrated by the permanent tooth which takes the place of the deciduous  
          tooth. The permanent  central  incisors up to the second premolars succeed  
          their respective deciduous teeth, thus they  are called succedaneous teeth 

RCT- Root Canal Treatment. This procedure involves the extirpation of the tooth  
         pulp, using  a needle like  instrument with barbed surface. Watch out for more  
        of it on The "Molar Truth" is... 

Quadrant- the left or right half of the dental arch separated by the midlign 

Posterior- medical term which simply means located at the back 

This situation is illustrated during the mixed dentition stage, wherein the presence  
        of some of both  deciduous and permanent teeth is seen. The permanent molars  
       then are not considered  succedaneous teeth. 

Occlude- two opposing teeth are in contact with each other 




Deciduous- A good practice to call what we know as the Temporary teeth.  
                A rather drive towards the attitude of proper child oral care  
               than a mere definition. 
Exfoliated- this term is rather used than extracted. A primary tooth is taken  
              out due to the  gradual loss of its roots. The developing permanent tooth  
             beneath exerts pressure upon the root of the primary tooth, causing the root of the  
            primary tooth to be slowly resorbed. 

Apatite Crystals- any group of calcium phosphate minerals comprising the chief  
           constituent of bones and teeth. 

Chemical analysis shows that in matrix of enamel, several fractions of proteins  
          can be isolated, and they contain high percentage of serine, glutamic acid, and glycine. 

Third molars can be congenitally absent in some individuals, or they can be present  
            but has an  impacted  position 

Sucrose- a sweet crystalline dextrorotatory disaccharide sugar. 

Acidogenic Theory of Caries- this theory postulates that carious process involves two stages: 
               1. decalcification of the tooth by acid produced by the action of acidogenic  
                 bacteria upon dietary carbohydrates. 
              2. degradation of the acid softened protein residue through the action of  
                 bacterial proteolytic enzyme. 

Papillary Gingiva- known also as the interdental papilla. 

The oral cavity is divided into two parts: 
the vestibular cavity and the Oral cavity proper. 

Col- this is a mountaineer's term which means a valley between two peaks. 

Marginal Gingiva- known also as the free gingiva. 

Attached Gingiva- at the International Conference on Research in the Biology of  
         Periodontal Disease, Chicago, June 12-15, 1977, it was voted to drop the use  
        of "attached" and simply refer to it as the gingiva. 
          Source: Orban's Histology and Embryology, ed. 10: Bhaskar, S.N. 

Taste receptors are not limited to the tongue. They are found also in the palate,  
        more specifically the taste receptors for bitter and sour tastes. 

Salivary Glands- any of various glands that discharge fluid secretion especially  
        saliva into the oral cavity.